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Mar 20, 20233 min read
St. Joseph's Day – 19. März
We have been celebrating our Styrian patron saint, St. Joseph, for around 250 years. Josef became the patron saint of Styria in 1771. At...

Mar 17, 202318 min read
St. Patrick's Day – March 17th
Saint Patrick's Day (Irish Lá Fhéile Pádraig) commemorates the Irish Bishop Patrick, who lived in the 5th century and is believed to be...

Mar 11, 20237 min read
Menhirs in Alpine Regions and the Hochwechsel
In the alpine and pre-alpine regions of Central Europe there is a large collection of megalithic stone monuments and underground...

Mar 11, 20235 min read
'Lenzmond' March and calendar
On March 7th at around 1:40 p.m. the Lenzmond (which corresponds to the worm moon) is full. If the cat doesn't know today whether it...

Mar 10, 20233 min read
The Burial Mounds of Niederschöckl and Schöckl
South of the Church of St. Joseph in the "Breitholz" forest area is a burial ground consisting of 1.7 to 2.5 m high and up to 25 m wide...

Jan 7, 20234 min read
Cleanup Monday - Plough Monday
The first Monday after Epiphany used to be the cleaning and sweeping day, also known as Plow Monday (in England; Brabant, Belgium),...

Jan 5, 202317 min read
Dreimulnåcht (Three Meals Night) and the Budelmutter
On the night from January 5th to 6th - the Dreimulnåcht - an old and humpy little woman with a headscarf, pulled deep over her face,...

Jan 3, 20238 min read
"Glöckeln" and "Berigln"
January 5th is the so-called Glöckütåg (Glöckler's Day) in Ausserland and Ennstal (as well as in large parts of the Salzkammergut). The...

Dec 29, 20229 min read
"Frisch- und G'sundschlagen" or "Aufkindeln"
The "Frisch- und G'sundschlagen", "Aufkindeln", "Schmeißen", "Pissnen" or "Schappen" is (was) a widespread custom in Styria, Carinthia,...

Dec 28, 20228 min read
St. John's Wine and Minne Drinking
The blessing of St. John's wine on December 27 has a long tradition, and the St. John's Minne (wine) has been documented since the 10th...

Dec 14, 20229 min read
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is a much-revered saint and related customs can be found in Europe. In Styria they have a particularly bloodthirsty expression!

Dec 11, 20222 min read
The Benefits of Tree Resin
Conifer pitch is a true miracle cure with great health benefits. It increases well-being and stimulates body & mind.

Dec 11, 20226 min read
Winter Flowers
When the long, dark time begins, we humans feel the need to bring some comfort and life into our living space.

Dec 10, 20224 min read
Nicholas and his Companions
St. Nicholas leads off the round of winter customs. He appears always accompanied – mostly in the company of a rough fellow, the Krampus.
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